Saturday, December 8, 2012

Feeding a Growing World Population With the Aid of Science

It is challenging enough trying to rustle up enough food to feed a planet that already runs to seven billion people, and which is predicted to add a further two billion mouths by the middle of the century, without wasting so much of the food that we have managed to grow, cultivate, milk and rear.

As our Eureka science magazine notes today, we waste close to 100 million tonnes of food a year. To throw away so much at a time when 925 million people are classed as hungry, and a further one billion are thought to be suffering from malnutrition, is as senselessly profligate as running a bath without inserting the bath plug. But disposing the waste will never be enough to fill the world's bellies.

Yes, selective breeding is starting to boost crop yields and improve food security in sub-Saharan Africa, just as it has been so successfully doing across Asia and the Americas over the past four decades. But without increased use of genetically modified crop varieties it seems inconceivable that food production will ever be abundant enough to keep pace with population growth.

A 2011 research paper, the first to gauge the comparison between fetal and maternal exposure to BT toxin (a polypeptide having insecticidal effects on certain insects, yield by a gene from a soil bacteria) created in genetically modified maize and to decide exposure degrees of the metabolites of the sample batch of pesticides, reported the life of pesticides connected with GM foods in both pregnant women and non-pregnant women and their fetuses. The study did not consider safety implications or find any health issues. The paper has been found to be inconclusive by several authors. It was also lambasted by Food Standards Australia New Zealand.

GM crops are already flourishing in China, in North and South America and in parts of Africa. And in Europe? Shamefully, the EU remains mired in a stalemate on GM regulation that is an affront to a hungry world. Alongside this, Brussels pursues a fisheries policy that contributes to a food scandal in which the world's fishing fleets discard about nine million tonnes of fish each year.

Mouths are born hungry. The world's fulfillment in feeding itself for 10,000 years is a tribute to man's or better God's ingenuity. Now new technologies can help by creating more sustainable ways to produce more food. This is hardly the moment to stifle that ingenuity by spurning the promise of GM science.

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There Advanced Product Launch Secrets That Will Sell Products Like Crazy

Developing your product is just the initial step to selling your product. Effectively launching your product effectively is the key to success. If a mediocre product is marketed effectively it could outsell a higher quality product. A well known example of this is the marketing genius of Bill Gates. Microsoft was not the best operating system available when it was first introduced, but their marketing campaign was phenomenal.

Understanding how to successfully launch new products is essential for your business to be successful. You can spend thousands of dollars developing products and you need to learn how to quickly recover and profit from that investment.

I have written this article to review the basics of effectively launching a new product.

1) Create Consumer Excitement A vital component to a successful marketing campaign or product launch is to create consumer excitement in anticipation of your product release. Create and submit a well written, exciting press release about your product. If it is done properly your release could be sent to magazines, websites, radio or even television. Send an email to your prospects and customers announcing your new product and provide a link to your website or landing page that demonstrates or has information your product. This will generate interest leading to pre-sales before and sales at product launch.

2) General Partner Affiliates Recruit partners and affiliates who will help you promote and sell your product. Affiliates can help you reach thousands of prospects you may not be able to do on your own. Hire an associate responsible for finding partners and affiliates. Most successful internet companies have hundreds if not thousands of affiliates promoting and selling their products.

3) Create a Marketing Plan Create a tactical and strategic marketing plan to promote your products and business. Your plan should include reaching out to current customers, prospects and affiliates. It should also include utilizing organic search engine listings, ezine advertising and article marketing, pay per click advertising campaigns, and email blasting. These are usually effective online advertising campaigns for internet businesses.

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Look Out for Diabetes During Pregnancy

If you are thinking about conceiving, then there is every single aspect that you should consider before you finally start trying. One of the things that you should consider is the fact whether you are diabetic or whether your family has a genetic history of this disease. If a pregnant woman has diabetes then various complications can occur so you should read the following article as it provides you with all the necessary details regarding pregnancy and diabetes. Diabetes can present many problems for the fetus or your unborn child so read on and make sure that you are prepared beforehand, in order to deal with contingent situations with more ease.

Normally there are two types of diabetes; mainly type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Awareness regarding this particular disease is so important, since the majority of the time most patients do not even know that they are diabetic unless and until matters go way out of hand. If you are pregnant and diabetic, your diabetes will be cured in the earliest of your pregnancy stages since the urine is tested for pregnancy and if you are diabetic the test results will show this.

There is a particular type of diabetes that affects pregnant women. If diabetes is developed after the baby is conceived, then this diabetes is called gestational diabetes. This type of diabetes occurs due to placenta disorder which leads to the pancreas not being able to produce the optimum amount of sugar in the body. However, there is no need to worry as gestational diabetes can be detected up to twenty four to twenty eight weeks into pregnancy. The easiest treatment for this is to refrain from intake of liquids that contains glucose. Regular urine tests and blood tests are conducted to make sure that the sugar level of the mother to be is normal. Hence, you need to make sure that glucose test pregnancy is conducted regularly.

Some of the most common symptoms of diabetes during pregnancy include:

· Stress and fatigue

· Thirst cravings that do not subside even after drinking water

· Frequent urination

Diabetes during pregnancy should be dealt with immense care since diabetes can lead to conditions known as macrosomia. This is a condition in which the bodies of the babies are too big as compared to their heads. This is due to the fact that the baby gets an abnormal amount of glucose and sugar during the development, so make sure you know how to deal with diabetes.

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The Perks Offered by Gender Selection

Gender selection may be an impossible thing in the past but is now made possible with the help of scientific research and developments in the field of medical technology. Many procedures, such as IVF or in vitro fertilization and pre-implantation techniques, are developed in order for it to be successful. Apart from those mentioned medical procedures, there are also some natural ways which are known to have a high success rate as well which could be tried by couples. Though it has become a very controversial topic these days, it has become more and more popular. It is now widely favoured by many people all over the world since it provides a world of benefits.

It is known that many people in the world these days still consider the male gender as the more dominant one. Many individuals all over the world still prefer to have men as leaders of the society since they are more capable than women. Though we are now in the modern times wherein a lot of people view opposing genders as equal, it could not be avoided that traditions are still the same. Because of this reason, a lot of parents or future parents want their child to be a boy.

Another advantage brought about by sex selection is that couples who have many children of the same gender are now given the chance to have a baby of different sex. It is true that in the past there are a lot of parents who wanted to have children of opposite gender but they end up having children who are either all boys or all girls. With this latest development in the field of science, they are now able to have a choice.

Gender selection clinics are slowly growing in numbers in certain countries so it gives convenience to people who want to undergo medical procedures to have the capacity to bear a child of their preferred gender. In line with this various medical procedures are also made available so that people can have different choices. Though the methods used may differ from one another, their chances of being successful are relatively high. They may not give a 100 percent guarantee at least they provide a great chance to people to choose the sex of their future baby.

If you do not have the finances to undergo medical procedures, which are known to be very expensive, there are also some natural and easy to follow methods that anyone can try. Having a specific type of diet are said to have an effect in conceiving a child of s particular gender. Sexual positions and other natural options are also recommended by some experts in order for sex selection to be a success.

The lists of benefits provided by gender selection processes continue to go on and on as more ways are developed by professionals. It is important for people who want to try it to understand these facts to help them with their decision whether to undergo certain methods or not.

Maternity Swimwear in Fall   Pregnancy And Anaemia - Learn About The Causes And Find Out What You Can Do   

What to Consider When Building Above Ground Swimming Pool Decks

Above ground pool decks are not easy to construct, so don't believe people who say otherwise. Some people hesitate to spend for professionals to do the construction, and so they do the task themselves, only to come up with a poorly done job. This is not to discourage you to build your own decks. If you have the right materials and the right skill for the job, then you can do the work yourself.

The main reason that you have to install a deck around your facility is for safety. Decks are important if you have kids who may go in and out of the swimming pool. However, poorly built decks may pose safety risks too.

Check out the building codes when constructing pool decks. Construction guidelines can vary among states. If you are not familiar with the local guidelines, ask a professional pool builder. There are specifications for gates, fences, guardrails and steps. Permits may be required when building decks. Even this seemingly minor construction work requires the permission of the local government.

When you start construction, it's important to take note of safety. Make sure that you use the right materials, and that you go through the prescribed construction procedure. A plan should be drafted first. The framework should be well set up. The ladder should be well attached to the deck, and the deck itself should attach firmly to the facility. Proper construction of a pool deck ensures its strength, so that it does not shake when you step and walk on it. If you do the job well, then the deck should be able to support the weight of several people.

There are different types of materials for making pool decks. Popular materials for construction are wood, concrete, bricks, and ceramic tiles. Wood and concrete are good for people who want to build decks at a low price for their backyard swimming pools. Stone decks are more expensive to build. The material that your house is made of must be considered.

The type of the pool also comes into the picture when you are deciding on the materials for construction of your pool deck. Keep in mind that the design of above ground pool decks differs from that of in-ground ones. In-ground pool decks are usually made of concrete or tiles. Wood is better opted for most above ground facilities.

The surrounding area should also be taken into consideration. The irony is that above ground pool decks are meant to be permanent, while the facility itself is not necessarily permanent. Anyway, since a deck is permanent, it should be installed on an area where there are no growing shrubs and trees. Otherwise, the area should be cleared. Moreover, the space available dictates how large your deck can be, because the space limits the dimensions. You don't want an overlarge deck in a small yard.

The color of the pool deck may also be considered. For instance, if you want your deck to have a casual look, then go for light colored wood. On the other hand, if you want a classier look, then go for the dark colored wood.

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To Kill a Mockingbird - A Book Review

The novel To Kill A Mockingbird revolves around a young girl named Jean Louise Finch who goes by the nicknamed "Scout". Scout experiences different events in her life that dramatically change her life. Scout and her brother Jem are being raised by their father, a lawyer named Atticus and a housekeeper named Calpumia in a small town in the south. At this point in time in the South racism and discriminations towards black was a big issue . The story begins when Scout is 6 years old, and her brother is about to enter the 5th grade. That summer Scout and her brother meet a young boy named Dill who comes from Mississippi to spend the summers there. They become fascinated with a man named "Boo" Radley, a man in his thirties who has not been seen outside of his home in years, mainly because of his suppressed upbringing. They have an impression of Mr. Radley as being this large ugly and evil man. Then comes the trial. Scout's father becomes a defense attorney for a black man, Tom Robinson, who is falsely accused of raping a white women. This has a big affect on Scout. During this trial she gets teased by friends because her father was helping this black man. Scout starts to see the racism that exist. During the trial Scout and her brother and close friend Dill witness the trial. Even though they are young they can see that Mr. Robinson is innocent. Even though Mr. Robinson's innocence was clear even in the eyes of kids, Mr. Robinson was still found guilty. Later in an attempt to escape, Mr. Robinson is shot dead. Scout is extremely disappointed at the verdict and even more at the death of Mr. Robinson and realizes the injustice that exist. Later in a cowardly attempt by the alleged rape victims father, tries to kill Scout and her brother in order to get even with her father for making him look back in court. This is when Mr.Radley makes an appearance again an stabs their attacker. Even though Mr. Radley kills a man he is not tried for murder because he was defending the Scout and her brother. Finally some justice. This gives Scout some hope that is a chance for improvement in this unjust world.

(Discussion of main themes in To Kill A Mockingbird)

There are many different themes present in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The first theme which I will discuss is "Prejudice". The whole story revolved around the prejudice views of this Southern community. The whole reason why the trial was going on was because of people views towards blacks in the south. Since the alleged rape victim's father has such a prejudice view towards black, he is embarrassed that his daughter was actually flirting with a black man. To combat this he falsely accuses the innocent Mr. Robinson of rape. If it wasn't for the prejudice view which existed in the south the accusation would had never been brought against Mr. Robinson. These prejudice views in the south created a double standard of justice. With all the negative points that can be found in the story in respect to prejudice, there was a bright spot when it came to the prejudice issue. This "ray of light" came in the form of Scout's father Atticus. Atticus represented hope. Hope that good people still exist. Even in a society filled with hate. Atticus represented the hope that one day things can change

The "Prejudice" theme also ties in well with the title of the book "To Kill A Mocking Bird." In Chapter 10, Scout and Jem Finch get air rifles for Christmas. Scouts father tells her and her brother that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird because mockingbirds are harmless creatures who do nothing but sing for our enjoyment. In the story To Kill a Mockingbird Mr. Robinson is clearly the "Mocking Bird". He is a good man who has never harmed anyone and is figuratively and literally shot by society because of prejudice. The jurors sentence him to death not because he did anything wrong but because of prejudice. He is then later shot for trying to escape this unjust ruling. Mr. Robinson just like a mockingbird is shot for no reason at all.

The second theme which I will discuss is "coming of age". The "Coming of age" theme basically entails a character who evolves to a new level of self awareness through his or her experiences in life. This is clearly the case with Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. An example of Scout's "coming of age" can be seen when she meets her friend Dill. Dill comes from a broken home and lives somewhere beyond Alabama. Scout who comes from a good home is awaken to the different quality of life that exist and is able to come to a conclusion that life exist beyond the world she knows. Through these experiences she grows more tolerant of others, learning how to "climb into another person's skin and walk around in it." On her first day of school she finds that just like with Dill there are both social and poor classes in society, some are respectable and others not. She also learns that her father is an extra-ordinary man, fighting for a Negro's rights in court. During the trial of Tom Robinson Scout learns about equality and inequality and finally about racial prejudice. By the final chapters of the novel, Scout goes to another "coming of age experience." She learns that good people can still suffer injustice. She realizes this when she see's Tom Robinson suffer injustice even though they did nothing to deserve it. She discover that the courts does not always result in justice. In the end after all of Scout's experiences and discoveries we get the sense that she will not follow the prejudice views which her society upholds. In the end Scout had matured and grown more as a kid, than many adults will do in there lifetime.

The third and final theme which I will discuss is "Justice". In the story To Kill a Mockingbird I feel,the author, Ms. Lee portrays true justice as being best seen through the eyes of the innocent. In the story Scout and her brother, being the innocent,can clearly see the injustice being done to Mr. Robinson. In contrary to Scout and her brother other people in society more specifically the older people in the town, the people who have lived through different experiences, become blinded when it comes to true justice. Or maybe they are not blinded but just choose to ignore it. This is clearly seen when they sentence an innocent man to death. This ignorance of justice can be blamed on the prejudice views which are present and eventually instilled in society in the south. So I feel that Harper Lee is connecting justice with innocence to a certain extent. In my opinion Harper Lee portrays justice as being easily detected. The reason I say this is even the young justice. The problem is society can instill beliefs that can act as a veil and blind the people from justice. The only way to uncover this veil is through people like Atticus who can pass his morality and nobility to the young and the "blinded"

(Would I recommend this book?)

I would definitely recommend people to read the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I found it to be an interesting and powerful book. I feel the book does a great job in portraying the extreme prejudice that existed in the south at that time. I feel this book makes a powerful statement on how justice can be altered through racism. I also think that the themes found in the book are themes which can still be found in our current society and that makes it the more interesting. You can even make a case that prejudice still has an effect in our legal system today. So if you are looking for a powerful book of "coming of age" and the battle for justice I would highly recommend To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

To Kill a Mockingbird - A Book Review   To Kill a Mockingbird - A Book Review   To Kill a Mockingbird - A Book Review   

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